It is a good idea to read the trading conditions thoroughly

The trading conditions contain the terms that apply to all trading with ApS. Contact us if you have any questions.

Trading conditions at Dreamplan

General information

Dream plan

Applebys Plads 7

1411 Copenhagen K

CVR no.: 40965874

Telephone: + 45 26 13 61 95



At Dreamplan, all prices are in Danish kroner and stated incl. VAT and taxes. The price is agreed individually and entered into the consultant agreement. We reserve the right to change prices from day to day without prior consent.


Dreamplan accepts payment by bank transfer. Payment is made in connection with advice. All amounts are in DKK. Danish kroner and incl. VAT.


The advice will take place on the basis of a signed advice agreement.

The advice will take place after you have used's solution and is based on the information provided in the digital calculation and recommendations.


If it is a refund, please include bank details in the form of account number and account number so that the agreed amount can be transferred. This information can be disclosed without risk per email or other electronic form, as it is not sensitive information and will only be used for our fulfillment of the refund.

Right of withdrawal

There will be a right of withdrawal 14 days after the agreement is signed.

Cancellation must be notified to us no later than 14 days after signing the advisory agreement to:

Dream plan

Applebys Plads

1142 Copenhagen K


If you regret your purchase, you will of course get the amount you paid us back.

Appeal options - overview and links:

If you have a complaint about a product that you have purchased on, you can send a complaint to:

The Danish Competition and Consumer Authority's Center for Complaint Resolution

Carl Jacobsens Vej 35

2500 Valby


If you are a consumer residing in another EU country, you can register your complaint in the EU Commission's online complaint platform.

The platform is accessible via this link

If you submit a complaint here, you must provide our e-mail address: